Recently I treated a patient with an acute case of Bell’s palsy. Acupuncture has a good track record of success with this condition.
This particular patient had never tried any form of Chinese Medicine. Signs and symptoms matched well with the Chinese Medicine pattern of wind— this was an acute condition precipitated by a sudden change in temperature. His condition started after he took a flight to a different climate.
Knowing the treatment protocol for this pattern isn’t one of the more relaxing acupuncture treatments, I was a little worried about having this be his 1st experience with our ancient tradition. Fortunately, he was very receptive to treatment and ready to be done with this condition which had persisted for almost 2 weeks. We did the treatment, he was very relaxed during the whole session, and we scheduled a follow up treatment for 2 days later (this last Saturday).
Saturday morning, Hector the Director was (accidentally) still in town after shooting footage all week for our upcoming youTube debut. As a last minute afterthought, I thought it might be good to have the feedback/testimonial of an acupuncture first-timer on the video, so I called up this patient right before his Saturday morning appointment to see if he’d be ok with it.
I was happy to hear that not only was he ok with with it, but reported significant improvement in feeling and muscle control of the right side of his face after just 1 treatment.
We’ll soon post this short video of him describing his experience on our website.
Oscar Sierra, L.Ac.